prep program

Did you know that 40% of businesses never reopen following a disaster and another 25% of surviving businesses will close within two years? While emergencies and weather-related catastrophes are hard to predict, there is a way to plan for them and minimize the impact to an organization’s operations.

At Reynolds Restoration Services, we work with businesses in the region to review and finalize their emergency response procedures and protocols, ensuring a proper emergency and disaster plan is ready and in place for the smallest emergency to the largest disaster. Our no-cost Proactive Restoration & Emergency Planning program documents emergency protocols and procedures in a centralized location and is accessible to your facilities team and leadership at a moment’s notice.

Organizations enrolled in PREP are given priority during an emergency. Response times are minimized, reducing downtime and containing losses. 

Step-by-Step Facility Emergency Disaster Plan

Access to Disaster Plan Software

Proactive Planning to Minimize Loss

Procedures to Prevent Downtime & Minimize Repair Costs

proactive planning

Other features of our PREP Program include:

  • Priority response as a preferred client. Organizations enrolled in PREP are given first priority when a large-scale emergency affects their region.
  • Creation of a custom step-by-step facility emergency disaster plan tailored to your organization.
  • Access to specialized cloud-based software with your emergency disaster plan that will be available for you and your staff members from any device and at any time, 24/7/365.
  • Proactive emergency planning designed to have the right actions and resources deployed in case of a disaster, minimizing damage and loss.
  • Preemptive procedures and protocols that may cut or even prevent downtime of your facility and minimize repair costs dramatically.

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Our team at Reynolds Restoration Services has the experience and knowledge to handle any size loss. With PREP, we become an integral part of your disaster response plan by meeting with administrators to collect site-specific information to ensure readiness. We will document:

prep programSite Specific Information

  • Electrical protocols
  • Water protocols
  • Building layout
  • Equipment protocols
  • Staging Information
  • Building Vendors

This information allows us to develop a comprehensive emergency response and recovery plan for your facility that is accessible to response teams – including owners – on mobile devices 24/7/365. Actions taken during the first 24 hours are critical to minimizing loss and having procedures documented and accessible is key to successfully navigating an emergency or disaster.

proactive planning
reynolds restoration service map

Coverage Nationwide

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We are proud to offer commercial restoration services nationally through a network of trusted partners that are available 24/7 to respond to fire, storm, and water-related emergencies.

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Return Your Property to Pre-Loss Condition

At Reynolds Restoration Services, we believe our reputation speaks for itself. We’re proud of the damage repair we offer and the vital role it plays in helping our customers find peace of mind following a fire, storm or flood. See our damage restoration services in action and view before-and-after photos for some of our most challenging projects here: